Saturday, October 5, 2013


             Who loses a refrigerator? you are a weird one honey
                                  RATCHET HOES XOXO

FloralForest AKA SEAN

Sean, stop being emo and cut your hair faggot. Youre not cool go back to Regina and eat her ass.
                                    RATCHET HOES XOXO

PunishAsians AKA WILL

Saying kill yourself isn't nice, stop trolling your not good at it
                                       RATCHET HOES XOXO

Friday, October 4, 2013

Purrfection AKA HAILEY

Hailey, Please just stop calling people ratchet thirsty Izzy's, your not cute. hf looking stupid, and you might want concealer for that cut babe <3 
                                  RATCHET HOES XOXO